In the new comic, “Superman: Son of Kal-El,” Jon will embark on a relationship with young “hacktivist” reporter Jay Nakamura while addressing the world’s societal problems, according to writer Tom Taylor. “It is a pretty big deal doing it with Jon Kent as Superman … I hope this kind of thing will not be seen as a big deal in the future,” artist John Timms told IGN. “It will be interesting to see him not only trying to find himself as a person but a global superhero in the complex atmosphere of modern life,” he added. I will say that the language these people use to promote their content is goofy. Oh it's so BRAVE and BOLD, you say, as you happen to be the one making it and profiting off of it. If that's the language they used then, yes, it is annoying and nowhere near qualifies. The problem with Dean Cain and people like him, though, is they can't just say that the language of a dying media is dramatic and purposefully provocative and has no real tether to the reality. No, it has to be some sort of cultural warfare when the majority of people have no problem with gay people.